Gruppo Spontaneo Trallalero CantöRiöndö (CD)
It is in the Ligurian capital that has its origins the "Trallalero", an extraordinary and unique polyphonic traditional art, also called "The Sound of Genoa".
This style of singing, very complex, implies a strong discipline in the coordination of voices, each with a specific timbre and role : a tenor (primmö), a falsetto (cöntraetö), a baritone (cöntröbassö), a rhythmic voice (chitara) and basses (basci). The "Trallalero" finds its originality in the fioritura and ornamentation of melodies, in the counterpoints and instrumental imitation offered by some of the voices. This ensures an inimitable rhythmic and harmonic whole of great charm.
With this album GRUPPO SPONTANEO TRALLALERO celebrates 30 years of living music, paying homage to all the singers who have been and are part of the group.
CantöRiöndö is an anthology that traces their musical history from 1986 to 2016. A journey marketed by physiological changes of line-ups, both voices and directors of the group. And so you can listen to historical singers who then have become models to be imitated or customized in the history of "Trallalero". You can appreciate the work and style impressed by the directors that have followed the direction of the group. Listening to "daete" (ways of singing) which have become a piece of history of this vocal art.
Compiling CantöRiöndö old tapes were recovered and appropriately mastered : real rarities unheeded for many years, along with the most recent and unreleased recordings, respecting the time sequence of group’s history.
The repertoire ranges from the classics of the genre to songs by famous Genoese authors of "Trallalero" up to "Dolce Nera" by Fabrizio De Andrè: respect and continuity of tradition, but behind the times.
These 30 years of activity were rich in satisfactions, prestigious awards, tours all over Europe, but also a course of study and ongoing research, joined to the commitment to sing in the best way and make known this inimitable vocal style to a wider audience. Thanks to groups as GRUPPO SPONTANEO TRALLALERO, an important heritage of the Italian musical culture continues to live and thrive.
Published: 2017
Tags: Italy, Polyphony, World Music