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La Piva Dal Carner
M'han Presa (CD)


In few years, since his beginnings in early nineties, LA PIVA DAL CARNER has become one of the band of Italian Roots music with the largest following and highest appreciation. Their previous recording, La pegra a la mateina la bela la sira la bala, (Newtone Records Nt 6735) has been voted best CD of the 1995 by the specialised Italian magazine Folk Bulletin, and a very intense activity of concerts brought them everywhere in Italy from clubs to World Music festivals. Besides the live events, the frequent collaborations with other bands in rock and folk fields (Gang, Mondine di Correggio ecc.) opened the group to new interesting experiences. A long journey that now brings us this new recording. Music from the tradition of Emilia, of course, in particular songs collected in the Valley of Enza river, Pieve di Cento and along the Apennines around Reggio Emilia... . And compositions written by members of the group in the same vein. A series of charming and moving songs that testify the fluent musical language of the band. With a wide range of instruments than in the previous CD and strong arrangements the music is more original, with a precise sound and a strong impact. Along with typical instruments of the tradition such as bagpipes, hurdy-gurdy, melodeon we can also find saxes, double-bass, guitar and didjeridoo. Among the features of the CD, together with a song sung in Italian, a special mention deserve some guests: Ariondela (a cappella female trio), Coro dell\'Indaco, Fiona Borrow (viola, violin), Kaba Cavazzuti (percussion) and Emanuele Reverberi (violin) who add their voice to the sound of the CD. Following a musical path that moves from our ancient roots to the common West- European Celtic background this recording presents the band at his best. Once again LA PIVA DAL CARNER reached his goal!

Rok wydania: 1997

Rodzaj: Europejska
Firma: Felmay


Italy, World Music

La Piva Dal Carner - M'han Presa (CD)


62.54zł zł

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