Umbral Duo de Guitarras New Guitar Music from Uruguay (CD)
I wrote the first series of duets because I needed teaching material for the chamber music courses I have been coordinating over the past few years. These ten pieces were all composed from March to July 2006 with the specific purpose of making use of a few technical aids typically associated with this combination of instruments. I must admit that apart from being suitable for a course in chamber music, these pieces also convey my deepest feelings as a composer.
I have dedicated these works to Umbral, to celebrate my pleasure at having contributed to the founding of this duo.
Sergio Fernández Cabrera (composer)
Sergio Fernández Cabrera has composed music for chamber and symphonic orchestras, choirs, theatre and dance. His outlook as composer and guitarist with regard to both folk and contemporary composed music have ensured he has always remained creative and continually in search of new challenges. He has incorporated the most important features of music of the Río de la Plata, such as milonga, tango and candombe, into the body of his work, in a manner which arrives at a perfect synthesis of various music genres which originally are quite different in nature, without excluding original and daring ideas.
Cabrera has also worked intensively as an arranger for several folk musicians and written adaptations for chamber music and symphonic orchestras.
Since 1980 he has given solo concert performances in Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, the United States, Spain and Israel and is often invited to both classical and jazz festivals. He has also performed his music with various orchestras that include the Montevideo Philharmonic Orchestra and Chicago's Grand Park Symphony. In the meantime he has more than 20 CDs to his name as both soloist and composer/arranger.
Cabrera has received several awards as a composer, including the "International Composition Prize Isla de la Gomera IV Edition" (Spain) and the award for best composer of the second Festival of Instrumental Music (IMM-Montevideo). In 2007 he won the Uruguayan Ministry of Education and Culture's competition with the project "Paisajes Iberoamericanos para guitarra y clave". The National Music Fund (FONAM) and the Capital Fund for the Municipality of Montevideo (IMM) have commissioned him to set up and design musical projects.
Utwory:1. Niños de papel
2. A Jaurés Lamarque Pons
3. Casi como un coral
4. La lujuria tan temida
5. Zamba de las almas perdidas
6. Monólogo ingenuo en una pintura afro montevideana
7. Poema que describe el sentido contrario de algunas intenciones
8. Coral festivo
9. La primavera más larga del invierno
10. ¿Y si fuera verdad?
11. Palhaço
12. La querida inconsciencia del recuerdo
13. Micro ritmo Nº 4
14. La puñalada
(all compositions, except 11 and 14, Sergio Fernández Cabrera)
Rok wydania: 2010
Ameryka Środkowa & Południowa & Tango
Naklejki: Classic, Uruguay, World Music