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Titulů: 4 Stran: 1
SFW-CD-40523 CD+DVD |
Various ArtistsMusic of Central Asia Vol.4: Bardic Divas: Women’s Voices in Central Asia (CD+DVD)Sublime bel canto lyrical songs, the guttural recitative of nomadic oral poetry,... 2007 Asie & Oceánie Smithsonian Folkways Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, World Music |
449,-Kč 549,-Kč |
SFW-CD-40521 CD+DVD |
Various Artists - Music of Central Asia Vol.2Invisible Face of the Beloved - Classical Music of the Tajiks & Uzbeks (CD+DVD)Amid the mosques and minarets of Samarkand and Bukhara, generations of vocalists... 2006 Asie & Oceánie Smithsonian Folkways |
549,-Kč |
SFW-CD-40524 CD+DVD |
The Badakhshan EnsembleMusic of Central Asia Vol.5: The Badakhshan Ensemble: Song and Dance from the Pamir Mountains (CD+DVD)In the majestic Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan, poetically called the "Roof of th... 2007 Asie & Oceánie Smithsonian Folkways |
549,-Kč |
W260038 CD |
DavlatmandTadjikistan - Classical and Folk MusicVocals, setâr and dutâr lutes, ghidjak bowed lute, percussion instruments. A p... 1992 Asie & Oceánie Inedit |
449,-Kč |
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